Wrinkles on the skin "How to fastest growth of collagen"
To understand the relationship between skin wrinkles and collagen, it is first necessary to understand what is collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein, mainly present in the skin, bones, muscles and cartilage.
How about wrinkles and collagen?
Collagen production is to reduce skin wrinkles and find a place on the face. What we can do about wrinkles and skin collagen?
Although collagen creams will not have much effect on the skin's natural collagen, and working only on the surface of the skin, collagen products help keep skin hydrated and supple. Applied collagen cream actually not efhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.giffective to remove wrinkles , molecules that contained in the collagen cream too large can’t absorbed by the skin.
Naturally wrinkles treatments proven more effective to remove and preventing the wrinkles.